If you're like me you may have a hard time waiting for God to speak. And we He does speak it's like we almost bend God's will to make it compliment ours when in all actuality if we just WAIT His Will will do so much more than compliment ours. (Thanks for the subject point Gab) You see patience and time go hand in hand. We must be PATIENT until God says it is our TIME.
Again, if you are like me you've listened to the song by Donald Lawrence 'seasons' and proclaimed "This is MY season" but when things get rough and the calm pleasantries that you are used to become turbulent and you are being tossed seemingly through a never-ending Spirit draining, fight for your life you begin to question God, "but God I thought this was MY season?" Well maybe YOU decided it was your season and it wasn't or then again maybe it was. Who says that the seasons we go through in life are always going to be easy-going, care-free and beautiful? If you recall there are four seasons; Spring, summer, fall, and winter. Before I say anything else, do note that spring only comes after winter. The seasons never change in order; there is a process that they go through before each one is completed. Ok with that said, Think of Spring as new beginnings, learning of new things, it may be easy, but then there is a transition into summer. The weather now begins to get a little warmer, and by the end it is blazing like an inferno. The calm easy things are now getting bit harder, you may now be the peak of your career, and things are at full bloom in your life, your relationships are great, children are acting alright, but just when everything is at its peak, fall rears its head from around the corner. Fall comes in with no regards for what is happening in your life, and things may begin to do just what its name proclaims, fall. Relationships go down hill, finances become strained, the children act up, and you may enter as we do in
man that is good. Therefore, we are going to go through those rainy seasons, but God is going to not only go through them with us, but bring us out as well. There is no time limit on how long you will stay in this season as God has a purpose and a plan, but that does not mean that it is not your season. Let the fall be a stepping-stone, because after fall comes the harshest season of all for some people, winter. I think that many of us are stuck in either our fall or our winter seasons. We are stuck in the fall because we do not want to let go of people and things. They become the leaves on our trees that have run their course. We try to make them hold on to our branches a little while longer, but God does not have the same agenda because in the winter the leaves must die. We we do not or better yet are afraid to let things die. We don't want to let go of the 'leaves' on our trees which may be jobs, people, situations etc., but do you realize that God is telling us to let go of those things LET THEM DIE, so that we con move on back into our Spring, and our new beginning. To the place where the things that died in the winter are replaced or grow back even better than before...This may get a bit hard to swallow, but as I'm typing I'm realizing that God gave this revelation of what was to come two days before it happened, and then gave me a sermon to back it up, He was preparing me to let some people fall off of my tree...Hallelujah! Ok sorry, had a moment...Not only do we sometimes get stuck in our seasons, but sometimes we try to rush through our seasons because it gets too hot, or it is too cold, and our trees seem barren, but it is in those times that God wants us to be PATIENT and WAIT on Him. One of my favorite scriptures in the bible reads, "I waited patiently on the Lord, He turned to me and heard my cry, He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire, he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the LORD. "Psalm 40:1-3. If that is not my testimony then I do not know what is. If you know me, you know where I was almost a year ago, and where I am now. Look at God!! Now there are key terms in that passage, read it again if you missed it, but not only does it say WAIT, but it says "I WAITED PATIENTLY" I said that PATIENCE and TIME went together. I now realize that if I had just embraced my winter season and let my leaves die earlier that my spring would have soon followed. I know we have all been there getting impatient waiting on God, but His promises for our lives are worth the wait.
To be completely honest I probably should have been dead a long time ago, but God. God allowed me another chance that is why I praise Him for all that He has done. I used to hold in my praise, but Isaiah 40:3 says He put a new song in my mouth and He did. I no longer worry about what people say or how they look at me when I cry or shout to the Lord, because I know what He has brought me through. God allowed me to stay in my wintry season and it was harsh, it was so harsh that I had no choice, but to let my leaves die, and trust Him or risk my life trying to save leaves that were going to die anyway. I do not know whom I am talking to, but somebody knows what I am taking about. Do not sit around and miss your blessing and your breakthrough trying to stay in 'my season' when it is not just one season that we face. I do not know about you, but I know a God that can calm a raging sea, so you tell me He cannot safely get you through your storm. You cannot tell me that He does not save. Think about where you were three years before you knew Christ, aren't you glad you met Him? Where you are now is not where you were when you met Him, you cannot tell me you want to go back to not knowing Him. You cannot tell me that He cannot make a way out of no way. About a year ago, I did not think that I could move from my dead situation, but look where I am now. You are looking at a miracle. You cannot tell me that God is not a keeper. When the enemy tried to attack my mind just a few days ago, God had already given me a word to comfort me. It still hurt at the time, but I am still in my right mind. When the enemy tried to take my life, and strangle the very life and breath out of me, I called on the name of Jesus and just like the word says Demons began to flee, and I was kept one more time. All you have to do is call on that name. I called on his name and in the middle of my coldest season He plucked me out right before the enemy could take my life and said, "Now it's your time" You're looking at someone who knows what it's like to have a broken heart, but just let Him mend it. (I am glad God gave me this when He did, I didn't even know the power this had on my life when I wrote it on 5/9). Somebody besides me needs to hear this. I have been through that rainy season and for me it was crying all night long, but the word promises that weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning. You cannot tell me what God can't do, just hold on and wait for your morning. Our God is so awesome; He is a saving God, a forgiving God. That is how I am able to forgive so easily, where would I be if God did not forgive me? God is all-powerful. Stop holding on so tight to the things that God is taking away from you, because He is not going to take you away from something and not give you something better. Does it hurt? Yes sometimes it does, sometimes it hurts so bad we feel like we cannot make it, but God is holding you, He is holding me. Another scripture says that "they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up their wings as eagle, they shall run and not get weary, they shall walk and not faint...the key is WAIT, We get so anxious to get out of our season that we end up chasing dreams and things that are not for us. This was not even part of this, but it just came to me as I was typing...Thank you God. We get so caught up wanting to get ahead of someone or something in our lives and we fail to see that what we are trying to force ourselves into may consequently cause harm or anguish to someone or something else in our lives. A great example of this happened the day I wrote this. I was on my way to work and I was exiting 610 going around the loop and this truck with a tractor attached just had to get into my lane knowing that there was no space for him, I had two choices I could either speed up, which I knew I couldn't pass him, or I could slow down to prevent him from hitting me. I slowed down. It was not worth the sacrifice of my car or my life. Sometimes people move into our lanes without our permission and without enough room, but it is up to us to decide how we deal with that. I could have been angry with him for jeopardizing my car and my life, or I could let it go and continue on my journey forgiving and being patient. I guess the last thing that I want to say is just embrace your season don't get so caught up with the season that your friend is in and start chasing things that are not for you because that only makes it harder. Don't miss the growing opportunities of your seasons, they might not all be easy, but in the end it is worth the wait. Keep the faith knowing that God loves you too much to let anything happen to you that is not in his will. Just walk with Him, and talk with Him, He will see you through. The end of that Donald Lawrence song says, "The WAIT is over, it's your TIME" Listen for that but let it be God that decides it and not you. Patience and Time go hand in hand...just WAIT. God Bless Muriel
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