Another untitled journal piece that was written sometime in 2008....
I love growing through(Luv ya Gab) things. And yes I spelled that right. A while back I would have said going through, but I'm at a place in my life that I know that each test that I face is only a stepping stone, and building block in my testimony. I'm GROWING through alot right now, so please do like the song on my page says and "cover me" in your prayers as I will continue to pray for myself. It's taken a while but I have come to the point in this trial that I know that I have to stop running from God and run to him. I have been neglecting that fact that I have been given a gift of writing and God had ever so gently reminded me of it. When I begin to run I promise it's seems like there is a three-hundred pound monkey on my back, and the only way I can get it off is if I turn around. What do you desire from me Lord? I asked that question out loud to myself on the way to work this morning as I sat in traffic...It took me a minute and I just had to start praising and thanking God for the things that I have been through...not going through but the things that I have been through because I know that it is because of His grace and mercy that I am still able to grow through. I had to be real with myself and God and repent and ask for forgiveness for not exalting Him and going to Him in prayer like I should have been, for not doing His will i.e not going to church, participating in the choir etc. instead I was doing my will and it was getting me nowhere fast. It didn't take the Lord a long time to answer me...I asked Him what He desired and almost immediately He put words on my lips that I knew I had to get down on paper, so again I'm in the process of writing my book-Nature's Song Be prayerful with and for me....The Lord just put something on my heart so I hope it comes out right. I was talking to a friends mother and this is what came of the conversation... Even when I'm tired I will give you praise. Even when my soul is weary I will bless your name for you've given me more than I could ever imagine, Lord you've given me a song to sing and blessed my true and natural passion. Lord I don't know what the end is going to be, nor do I know what lies ahead, but I will stop and thank you daily for you've given me the desire to push ahead. Lord I know that pain I feel in my heart right now it won't last always, but while it's there O God give me strength and see me through, for God I know that in the end all the glory will be unto you. I may see a young girl who looks like me, and she may not know how she'll fare, but my God what a blessing it will be to look at her and say "Sweetheart I've been there" Look at me now though I'm still standing and I don't look like what I've been through, keep your eyes to the hills and I promise neither will you. God is too good for us to complain about the things that we face. There is a prize for us that we can only receive once we finish this race. I have been guilty more than a time or two, of asking God why? or better yet, what do you want me to do? Take the time, stop and listen to what He may be speaking to you, and even when you're tired like me, He still will see you through.....I did not intend to write that in the middle of this, but Praise Him. God Bless, Muriel
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