God is....
Wow, today was in interesting day. Church was wonderful. I thought I was going to miss second service because of a staff meeting at work, but I managed to leave the staff meeting early drive 90 down the freeway(praise God for no ticket or accident, or running out of gas cause I was on E), and I made it back. I guess you never really know how much junk you’re carrying until it finally builds up and forces it’s way out. Normally I hold it together pretty well in church, but today I had to let some stuff out, and I found myself in the hallway, can’t tell the details, but afterwards I felt so relieved, and so drained all at the same time. Then after church my I was trying to run from life and my knees buckled on the stairs I guess I hadn’t given it all to Him. For those of you that don’t know God is and has been doing so many wonderful things in my life. He is blessing me, and showing me things that I would have never thought possible. I still have rough days, and I find myself exhausted every now and again, but just thinking of everything that He has done for me, all the things He’s brought me through, and all of the times He spared my life, just makes my soul happy. I don’t have too many bad days anymore. I get down sometimes, but the sadness doesn’t last long like the word says, weeping endures for a night, but joy cometh in the morning, and it does. Everyday we wake up we should praise God. Praise Him for giving us another chance, praise Him for giving us another opportunity to bless the lives of someone else or be blessed. After church I opened my Bible to a particular passage it read "God’s voice thunders in marvelous ways; He does great things beyond our understanding" Now that to me is such a blessing because when I don’t know what is going on I have the assurance that God does. I read another scripture and it brought so much joy to my heart. It is a scripture about praying for others. How often do you really pray for others? I mean really pray with your whole heart. Not just Lord bless them but asking specifically for their needs. I know we don’t know all of their needs, but God does. This particular scripture which I will share is found in the book of Job. At this time Job and his three friends Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar sit for seven days and seven nights at first not saying a word because they knew and saw how much pain he was in. Then they begin to speak his friends questioning the awe of God....what? This goes on throughout the book until the end where the Lord speaks. I love it how He just put everything in perspective basically telling them "Why are you speaking of things which you know nothing about?" Ch 38 vs 1 is great it reads "Where were you when I laid earth’s foundation? Tell me if you understand. Who marked off it’s dimensions surely you know" Talking about a charge up from God. Think about your life how had God had to charge you up at times for thinking that you know everything...that’s not the best part though. Job repents for speaking of the things that in Ch 42 vs 3 he says are too wonderful for me to know, and the Lord forgives him. I wish I had time to really deal with this because it is so deep! Don’t miss this next part it’s great. After Job is chastised, put in his place, and repents the Lord tells him to pray for his friends who have not repented or deemed themselves as worthless before the Lord. He tells them that Job is going to pray for them and that He will accept Job’s prayer and not deal with them according to their folly. Not their prayers, but JOB’s prayer...He didn’t want their worthless prayers. Worthless because they wouldn't repent before Him. WOW!! I thank God for intercession. I wonder how many times has someone else has had to pray for me in order for God not to deal with me how He rightfully should and could have? We must stop underestimating the power of prayer. The Bible tells us to pray for one another. Not only pray for one another, but to confess our sins to one another as well. When we pray for someone we should not take it lightly. It could be our prayers that release them from bondage, or free them from depression, or touch a place where no one but God knows needs touching, and we can do all these things by the power of the Holy Spirit if and when we pray whole heartedly asking God to decrease us so that He might increase and show himself through our prayers for our friends and loved ones, and even strangers. Okay I think that’s all. I know it was alot I hope I didn’t lose you, just had alot on my heart...til we meet again...God Bless
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