Wednesday, November 17, 2010


The Ant and The Bee

As I was sitting at the bus stop alone this morning God allowed me to witness a struggle that I realize at one time or another I have found myself in. I was just sitting waiting there watching the cars speed by beginning to become impatient waiting on the bus and a random car stopped. A guy whom I had never seen before was trying to get my phone number. In my mind, I was saying to myself "can a sista get a ride to church?" I let him down as quickly and nicely as possible and walked back to the bench to continue to wait on the bus. As I was walking, back to the seating area I noticed something fuzzy and yellow on my pant leg. It was a bee. How long had it been there who knows, but it was just there and as we tend to do so many times to people, I brushed it off. Not only did I not want to get stung but also it really did not match my outfit. Anyway, for some reason my attention stayed on this bee. Why? I cannot say, but it did. After I brushed him off I realized that something was wrong with him, it did not fly away, instead it just limped on the ground. Remember I did not swat him hard for fear of being stung I just brushed him off. After a while, this one little ant began to attack this bee. It is funny because that is exactly what Satan does to us when we are down. He does not care how big we think we are he still attacks with full force. The ant was relentless in his attack, but the bee continued to shake his legs with all his might to get the ant to release him. After a while of struggle the ant finally released him, but not for long. He knew that the bee was weak and decided to attack him again. (If you pay attention to your life the same thing happens, Satan will attack and release us, but he will resume attack while we are at our weakest and if we aren't prepared and armored with the Word of God he will succeed). This time the ant's attack on the bee was even more vicious than before, but this was not the best part, another ant joined in on the attack. How many times have you found yourself in a struggle for our life just to be attacked repeatedly, seemingly seeing no help in sight/. Has Satan ever attacked you when you were weak his aim being to devour your very being? In this case where were the bee's friends? Where was his family? He was alone, but he refused to die, and eventually shook off both of the ants from their death grip. I’m trying to tell you that we need to refuse to die, we need to refuse to let the enemy destroy the purpose and the plan that God has for our lives. God promises us hope and a future, but I digress..My bus arrived shortly after this, so I do not know the outcome, but I can infer that one of two things happened. He either gave up and let the ants take his life because he did not wish to fight anymore, or he continued to fight escaping death. How often do we give up? Give up instead of continuing to fight...why do we give up? is it because it's easier than fighting? Why when God promises to fight all of our battles, do we give up? All we have to do is call on the mighty name of Jesus and TRUST that He is going to deliver us. He is true to His word; we just have to TRUST Him. I hope that the bee lived because what a wonderful testimony of God's faithfulness and greatness. He is Sovereign and He reigns supreme. How often do we cry out to God asking for His help BELIEVING He will rescue us? It's one thing to call on Him, but another to call on Him and BELIEVE Him. On the bus I realized that I have been at one time or another both the ant and the bee. Wanting to give up and die like the bee, yet at other times fighting until the very end, and standing on the promises of God. The promise that we are more than conquerors. My final thought was that by me being so scared of being "stung" I attributed to the outcome of the struggle. Here is a bee barely hanging on, clinging to the only thing left to sustain his life, me, and I brush him off sentencing him to death, sealing his fate, but then again I had to realize that maybe it was a lesson that God intended for the bee. Maybe he intended for the bee to learn how to stand on his own when no one was there to stand with him for fear of being hurt or just honestly not knowing and being completely oblivious to what was really going on. We need to realize (I had to realize) that it is not always meant for people to step in regardless of how close they may be to us, some things we must learn on our own. Sometimes it may "sting" but it is what we do in those times that determine our outcome. Who are you? Are you the bee or the ant? Do you kick people when they are down and invite your friends to join you? In Proverbs, it says "A friend loves at all times, but a brother is born for adversity." Are you able to shake off the seemingly impossible? Remember, with God all things are possible. Not only that but in the book of Isaiah God lets us know that if we wait on Him… I’ll let you think about that, but it touches my soul to know that all we have to do is wait on God and He will restore us, so don't give up with the fight gets tough because God has already promised a victory.

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