Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Living the Blessed Life

Again from 2008-

I was bored at work one day, so I wrote's untitled at the moment....
When my heart os overwhelmed, I just look up to the sky, To the place I long to tarry, with my God who sits on high.
Some days I get discouraged just thinking of the tasks ahead, but I know my God has gone before me, He knows all that I must face, He's supplied me with all I need, Abundant mercy and sweet grace.
I've made mistakes, more than a few, by my God has always been there to pick me up and see me through.
When my heart is filled with pain, grief, or shame I know what to do, I get down on my knees and cry Jesus can you hear me I need you.
I need you now more than ever I have so much I need to do, I feel so lost and so confused, bogged down by life and internal issues, yet I'm so close to the end. God I've fought so hard to get to this place, please give me the strength to finish this race.
When I finished that prayer it was if he immediately answered. "My child, My child do not despair, Just hold on stay strong you are almost there. I haven't given you anything that you cannot face, so far you are actually still in first place in this race. I know that you need me I listen to your prayers, you must realize that you are strong, and realize I wouldn't have chose to use you if I didn't know your worth. I've given you alot to handle, but you are passing each and every test, my child juyst keep doing your best, and I will take care of the rest"
After hearing that I stopped, smiled, and gave myself a pat on the back. I remembered I'm still living the blessed life, and what is greater than that?

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